Every rejection and closed door is God’s protection and a blessing from God. The enemy is after your “expectancy” meaning the promises God has spoken over your life. He knows you will get tired and weary in your waiting. He sends distractions that appear to be from God but they’re not of God, it’s to get you off track. Because he knows once he has you outside of God’s will he can wreck your entire life.
“Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.” Your tears, your hurt, your pain are only for a moment but your turnaround, your breakthrough, your restoration are right around the corner. Yes, cry but don’t stay there. Yes, mourn but don’t stay there. Yes, be angry but don’t stay there. God has greater and better for you “in the morning.”
God has an assignment for you; a calling. There are people waiting for your act of obedience. There are people who need to hear your voice. Literally everything you need and desire is right in His hands. God’s been patient and waiting to release your blessings and heart desires for a very long time but you must repent and walk in obedience.